About Swedish Fascia Vibes
Fasciavibes.com is a website for people seeking manual therapists with different background and education with a common interest in fascia treatment.
Swedish Fascia Vibes is a new treatment of fascia/connective tissue, which effectively and gently increases mobility and relaxation, improves circulation and increases fluid flow.
Treatment is performed with the Atlasbalans M1 and/or the Atlasbalans M2, innovative treatment machines based on the latest anatomical research and optimized for advanced Fascia Treatment.
Swedish Fascia Vibes is developed by Atlasbalans, a family business delivering high quality products, services, concepts and training in health and well-being for both people and animals.
Have you seen The Fascia Guide?
Did you know that Atlasbalans also runs the worlds largest site about Fascia and Fascia Research?
The purpose of the thefasciaguide.com is to give people knowledge of the body in a simple way.